Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 96 - Thursday, February 2008

Not much in the way of marked improvement, but Lexi remains strong.

Over the last month Lexi can stand for a longer period of time, some muscle tone has returned. She now actively "walks" with her front legs and is stronger in front than back. The biggest problem now is the swelling in her wrists from "kuckling under" when she stands or tries to walk. She is back on the Dexasome. However with the UTIs we pulled her out of hydro-therapy and are not returning. She pretty much decided to float when she was in the tank, so we were not seeing any benefit, but plenty of negative side-effects.

We hope to get her into acupuncture soon.


Joanne said...


I just wanted to tell you about my dog, Sophie who was diagnosed with ideopathic polyradiculoneuritis in October 2007. I think she may have been much more severely affected than Lexi as she lost all movement (could not blink or even raise her head) when she was at her worst. She was hospitalized for a week and then I nursed her at home the whole time she was paralyzed. She became paralyzed on the 22nd of October, 2007 and stood for the first time without collapsing on the 26th January 2008 - 14 weeks in all. She can now get up herself and can walk unaided but is still recovery her strength and muscle tone. I am holding out for a full recovery. It was the longest and most difficult 14 weeks of my life but it was worth it.

Jo and Sophie
Brisbane, Australia

hmwe46 said...

Hi Joanne!

How is Sophie doing now?!?

Fully recovered I hope :-)